Working, reference and counter electrodes for application in various electrochemical measurements. Working electrodes can be made of glassy carbon, platinum, gold, silver, palladium, nickel, copper or iron. There are also special electrodes for carbon paste available. Among reference electrodes we are offering silver chloride, calomel and many other kinds. Counter electrodes can be made of platinum, gold, nickel or stainless steel. There are different types and sizes of electrodes available.
Working electrodes
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > ELECTRODESMoreWorking electrodes are electrodes on which occur the processes that are basis of measurement. Working electrodes usually have a small size and are polarizable. The small size ensures small values of measured current and large current density, which causes the amount of the analyte involved in a redox reaction, in spite of repeated measurement, is considerably reduced.
Counter electrodes
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > ELECTRODESMoreIn 3-electrode electrochemical measuring systems, the counter electrodes have a function of current interface between potentiostat and electrolyte. An important parameter is the surface of counter electrode - it should be larger than the working electrode surface. Our offer includes counter electrodes with various shapes and different materials: platinum, gold, nickel, etc.
Reference electrodes
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > ELECTRODESMoreReference electrodes for use in various kinds of electrochemical measurements using potentiostat. They are characterized by a constant potential, which does not change with the change of ions concentration in solution and are used as a reference for measuring potentials of other electrodes. We offer silver chloride, calomel, hydrogen electrodes for both aqueous and non-aqueous (organic) media. In our offer there are also accessories for storage and regeneration of such electrodes.
Hydrogen reference electrode
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > ELECTRODESMorePlatinum-hydrogen electrodes are the only reference electrodes which measure directly the hydrogen ions activity.
Electrodes for spectroelectrochemistry
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > ELECTRODESMoreSpecial electrodes which allow for simultaneous spectrometric measurements. Conductive material is platinum or gold grid, or indium tin oxide (ITO) film deposited on transparant substrate.
Electrode polishing kit
OFFER > ELECTROCHEMISTRY > ELECTROCHEMISTRY ACCESSORIES > ELECTRODESMorePK-3 kit allows for electrode polishing in order to remove redox reaction products accumulated on its surface. The polishing maintains a good condition of working electrode during voltamperometric neasurements.