Various type half- and quarter wavelenght plates, polarizing prisms and cubes, Brewster windows, laser polarizers and many other polarizing optical elements.
Half-wave plates
OFFER > OPTOELECTRONICS > OPTICS > POLARIZING OPTICSMoreHalf wave plate is a transparent window made of birefringent crystal (usually quartz). Linearly polarized light passing through the plate, remains polarized but in another direction (perpendicular to the input).
Quarter-wave plates
OFFER > OPTOELECTRONICS > OPTICS > POLARIZING OPTICSMoreQuarter wave plate is a transparent window made of birefringent crystal (usually quartz). Linearly polarized light passing through the plate, remains polarized but cricularly or elliptically.
OFFER > OPTOELECTRONICS > OPTICS > POLARIZING OPTICSMoreVarious types of linear polarizers offered for special requirements: Brewster windows, thin film polarizers and many others.
Polarizing prisms
OFFER > OPTOELECTRONICS > OPTICS > POLARIZING OPTICSMoreIn polarizing prism, optical phenomenon of birefringence is usually used for separation of two orthogonally polarized beams. There are also other types of prisms, using f.ex. phenomenon of total internal reflection.